big spider

As a survivalist, I love to spend time outdoors and working on the farm. Part of being outdoors is the hazards of local wildlife and the many insects that are around my area.

A big problem is the many spiders that lurk in dead branches and pieces of wood laying around my property. In this post, I will show you a very easy and simple device that is designed to draw poison out of a spider bite.

Infact everyone should have the Bug Bite relief tool in their first aid kit.

How the Bug Bite relief tool works.

How to Draw Poison out of a Spider Bite

When you get stung by a spider, wasp, bee, or any other venomous creature the toxins will remain under your skin. Usually, your body will deal with it and over time neutralize the irritation.

The bug bite extractor tool works by a vacuum to draw out the venom to the surface. This provides instant relief and less pain for you.

Using the bug bite relief thing to remove venom

It only takes 30 seconds and you will get instant relief. As you can see from the image above the Bug Bite thing tool has sucked out this insect bite poison to the top.

It is the perfect addition to your survival bug out bag checklist. It will never wear out or require servicing. Maybe just was it out from time to time.

When to go to hospital for a spider bite?

Depending on where you live and if the spiders are venomous you should treat all spider bites as an emergency. It’s also important to be aware that bites from spiders can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in some people.

spider bite

If someone gets bitten, help them to stay calm and follow these steps:

  • Apply a pressure immobilization bandage.
  • Stay calm and ensure the person bitten stays still.
  • Lay down or keep the bitten limb lower than the heart.
  • Compression bandage the limb from the area of the bite up the arm or foot.
  • Immobilize the bite area by splinting
  • Keep the patient calm and still.
  • Stay with the patient.
  • Call emergency services and wait for the ambulance to arrive or attend the hospital quickly.

For young children and the elderly, they should always attend a hospital or local GP to get the spider bite looked at. Generally, the cold compress and a compression wrap will slow down the toxins.

If the wound gets infected or stays inflaimed you should attend hospital.

Always seek medical attention if you suspect you’ve been bitten by one of the following species:

  • brown recluse
  • black widow
  • hobo spider
  • tarantula
  • Brazilian wandering spider

When to worry about a spider bite?

As soon as you receive a spider bite you should seek medical attention. Depending on the spider some people like to treat themselves especially if they are away from a hospital.

Seek medical attention emidiatly if you have any od the following symptoms.

  • Feeling unwell
  • Extreme pain and swelling at the spider bite area
  • Excessive swetting
  • Pail and clamy skin
  • Iregular pulse
  • Feeling faint
  • Infection at the spider bite area

Top 10 Dangerous Spiders in the world.

  1. Brazilian Wandering Spider—Phoneutria Fera
  2. Sydney Funnel Web Spider—Atrax Robustus
  3. Chilean Recluse Spider—Loxosceles Laeta
  4. Black Widow Spider—Latrodectus Mactans
  5. Six-Eyed Sand Spider—Sicarius Hahni
  6. Brown Widow Spider—Latrodectus Geometricus
  7. Redback Spider—Latrodectus Hasselti
  8. Brown Recluse Spider—Loxosceles Reclusa
  9. Yellow Sac Spider—Cheiracanthium Inclusum
  10. Whistling Tarantula—Selenocosmia Crassipes

If you get bitten by any of the above top 10 dangerous spiders you must seek medical help immediately. Your life could be in danger.

Spider Bites on Cats and Dogs

It is very hard for your pet to notify you that they have been bitten by a spider. Look out for signs such as a dead spider nearby. If they have any of the following symptoms take your cat or dog to a vet.

  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Seizures
  • Swelling
  • Weak pulse
  • Increased heart rate
  • Lethargy
  • Trouble walking or standing
  • Vomiting
  • Drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Redness
  • Puss

Large dogs can quickly get over a spider bite but smaller dogs and cats can be affected by the vemom.


Spiders are oftem more affraid of us than we are of them. Aslong as we dont go poking around in the nests and webs they will keep out of our way.

If you do get stung by a spider then try extracting the poison using the Bite Bug relief tool and use a compression bandage on the affected area. It is the perfect tool on how to draw poison out of a spider bite.

Seek medical attention and if you can take the spider with you to the hospital for identification. Often hospitals will administer an injection designed to help neutralize the effect of the spider poison (venom).

For small insect stings and non-venimous spider bites, we have had good results with the heat pen. Something else to add to your bug out bag.

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