This is a quick and easy Tuna Casserole recipe dish that can be made at any time using long term food storage items. It is a great-tasting and nutritious meal that is a quick family favorite.
Now, most people make the tuna casserole with pasta or noodles but I like to use rice as a base.
Preparation time 20 minutes. Serves 4.
Tuna Mornay Ingredients
- 1/4 lb Butter or Margarine
- 1 Cup of rice or 2 cups of pasta
- 2 large onions diced.
- 8 oz mushrooms
- 1 8oz tin Tuna
- 3 Tablespoons of plain flour
- 1-pint full cream milk
- 1 clove of garlic
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Options – Cheddar cheese, Pasta, Vegetables.
Start by cooking the rice in a rice cooker and leave it on warm heat once done. For another option, you can use pasta so just boil the pasta with a pinch of salt.
Fry the onions in butter or margarine until golden brown. Add in mushrooms and cook for a further 2-3 minutes.
Pour in the milk and thicken with the plain flour to make a thick white sauce on medium heat. Be careful not to burn the sauce. Scoop in the tuna making sure to break up any large pieces. Add in salt and pepper to taste.
Add the rice or pasta into a baking dish and level out. Pour the sauce mixture over the rice and warm up in an oven at 180 deg F for 20minutes.
Garnish the top with some more chease and hurbs if required. Enjoy
Option – Spread cheddar cheese over the top of the Tuna Mornay casserole dish to make a hearty meal. The rice can also be replaced with pasta.
This Tuna Mornay Casserole is a great DIY survival meal. It is made with items that can be stored for a long time. Powdered milk can be substituted for fresh milk in emergencies.
In a survival situation using your long term food items can really make great tasting meals. Be sure to stockpile Rice, Pasta, Spaghetti, Milkpowder, Tuna, Beans, Herbs, Tin foods, and freshwater.
My kids love this Tuna bake with pasta and it is so simple to cook that my 12-year-old cooks it, with basic supervision.
With the recent lockdowns and social isolation, many people have realized that their food storage is inadequate. Stick to the basics and you can’t go wrong.
As an electrician and a survivalist prepper, I want to share some of my ideas, thoughts, hardware, and survival techniques I have learned over the past 20 years. The world is changing fast and we need to be repaired for what may come if society breaks down.
My kids love this recipe. It is weekly vavorite. You can substitute Tuna for Salmon